Wednesday 16 February 2011

Module 211 - Presenting Photo Images: Hazards

Depend on the method of image processing and presentation there are a number of hazards to be considered.

When using a darkroom it is important that there is sufficient ventilation from the chemicals used to develop photos.  Although dark rooms are used a lot less this should is still something to be taken into consideration.

Given the method I have blog the main area of concern is the electrical equipment being used to produce images.  Main hazards here are faulty electrical equipment and power cuts, as well as surges of electricity that create dangerous working conditions.  The only other hazards in this situation are those that can be easily avoided such as drinking and having liquids near electrical equipment and overloading plug sockets.

Module 211 - Presenting Photo Images: Legal & Ethical Considerations

There are an number of areas to be taken into consideration when looking at the leagal and ethical considerations surrounding the presentation of images.

Thought must be taken when a shot is of a person or belonging personal to someone in ensuring confidentiality where requested, this is often overcome by getting a subject to sign a disclaimer stating that they authorise the images to be published or used in a number of presentation methods.

Another side to this is presenting images of minors, usually children under the age of 16yrs and ensuring authorisation to use any related images.

It may be necessary to copyright your images or ideas presented through photography with the Intellectual Property Rights Office to protect your images and prevent anyone else from playgarising an indicuals work.

Obscenity and indecent exposure should also be taken into consideration, especially when putting on an exhibition or publishing work so as not to offend the viewer.  This type of work should be promoted with a note on any promotional literature to ensure that people attending are made aware of any themes in the photography that may be found offensive.

Module 211 - Materials for Presenting Final Images

As discussed previously there are a number of different media for presenting images, there are also a number of different materials that can be used depending on the required outcome including paper, presentation wallets, canvas, card mount, frame, acrylic, foamboard and digitally.

Depending on the material used there is also a range of equipment that can be used including light box, printers, darkroom, projectors, cutting tools, laminators, cutting equipment such as guillotines may also be used.

Monday 24 January 2011

Editing Program

Once all my pictures were taken I imported them into Aperture for organising purposes and to save them at the highest resolution possible.  I then exported them for ease into iPhoto where I did all my editing.  I chose not too tamper too much with my original images as I dislike over processed shots.  Due to this the only things I made adjustments to were saturation and occasionally highlights, shadows and the sharpness of the image.

There was however one shot that I imported into Photoshop to enable me to clone out a distraction in the composition that I didn't notice when I took the shot. 

Theme 1: Autumn - Getting to the Final Image

Here you can see the main adjustment is saturation, enhancing the colours in the image making the autumn leaf more dominant and the contrast clearer between the ivy leaves and the yellow autumn leaf and the grey of the wall.

Thursday 20 January 2011

Theme 2: Fashion/Shoes - Getting to the Final Images

In order to get to the final image I was happy with there was fortunately little editing to be done.  The main 3 forms of editing I did use were saturation to enhance the colour of the image, cropping, straightening and cloning.

This shot shows the editing of the saturation levels.
This was the only shot that required cloning to remove a stone at the end of the pillars, it was my first time on Photoshop and I was pleased with the outcome.

Cropping was another tool I used in order to remove distractions and bring the eye into the main focal point.

Starightening was another editing tool I used which is great for those awkward low down shots that have been taken a little off balance!

Theme 2: Fashion/Shoes Final Images and Why?

Having taken the majority of my Autumn theme images at Calke Abbey I decided to take the following shots at Sutton Scarsdale Hall ruins to bring a secondary theme of  English Heritage meets High Fashion.  From this I believe the below images are representation of this theme while capturing the detail the product, the shoes.

The shots below I have chosen as they were my favourites from the days shoot.  Having had my time again on this I may have brought in some lights and put my tripod to use as it was cold and difficult to keep a steady hand at times.

I love the perspective of this shot, as well as the movement incorporated using a fast shutter speed in order capture the detail of the shoes.

This is definitely one of my favourites the lighting was spot on for this shot and I love the contrast of the red against the grey wall.

The wall makes this shot for me adding texture to the shot while the tights bring pattern and the shoes contrast perfectly with the surroundings.

In the very final version of this shot the choice was made to crop it from the right hand side to create ess distraction drawing the eye straight to the model.

As mentioned previously in my reserach comparison this shot was inspired by Horst P Horst but taking it to another level by shooting it on location and in a more modern style.

Again this shot has since been cropped from the right to reduce distraction and draw the eye to the focal point of the shot.

I like the character of this shot with the bench just in view and the country style surroundings, almost the last place to see a pair of high heels.

This shot I love and can picture it in an ad for these shoes, following the current trend of safari type colours in fashion.

I love how these shoes within this shot almost portray flowers growing in the lush green grass, another of my favs!