Friday, 24 September 2010

Canonteign Falls - Devon

Day trip to the falls...

'Autumn Falls'
The best part of this image is that the leaf was there and not placed.  I love the contrasting colours and how the leaf stands off the background of slate coloured stone and green moss.
'Fern Garden'
With this shot my intention was as we were in the Fern Garden of Cannoteign Falls to capture the elegance of the fern and how delicate its leaves are but  also show that it wasn't single with another plant coming in from the left of the shot and the blurred out plants in the background, showing a short depth of field.

'Bridge Over'
Here I used a slower shutter speed to show the flow of water more smoothly, also creating the feel of speed in the flow of the water.  This is not quite single point perspective despite the fact that the line of the water does tend to draw the eye to the top of the shot, also leaving way for a little height perspective, giving the viewer an idea of where the water is trickling from.

Single point perspective is definitely the key feature here while the foliage to the left and right of the stream frame it and draw the eye into the distance further.  The light in this shot also helps raw the eye towards the horizon of the shot where it gets lighter.
'Amongst Friends'


Mr Steve said...

A good start to your theme and the change of pace with close up landscape work is just a valid.
Make sure that you have a close reign on your other theme and keep that afloat as well.


Mr Steve said...

A great start with your theme, make sure that you have an idea for your second theme and keep that afloat at the same time.


Mr Steve said...

I like the change of pace within your work in that the landscape can be close up as well as from a more traditional distance this adds more interest as regards textures, colours, etc in more detail.
