Wednesday 20 October 2010

Landscape Photographer - Alan Simpson

A photographer for a number of years, Alan Simpson started using black and white film, only recently moving to digital photography.

Below are a number of his images that inspire me....

The one point perspective in this image is great, using the winding lines of the water leading the eye to the sun which is also used to add the yellow tones in this image.  The only thing I dislike is the slight distraction of the building on the right hand side of the horizon line.
This shot almost tells the story of the boat as the focal point in the composition with the dull colouring of the shot and the boat being almost washed up and forgotten, not being kept in best condition, creating almost a sad feel to the image.
I like how in this shot despite the focal point being the main bolder which adds texture to the composition the smaller pebbles add more interest and colour to the shot lifting from just plain grey.
I like the texture in this composition and the smaller detail between the rocks, the gaps in between the rocks that also give the impression that the composition has been split into quarters. 

This shot clearly uses one point perspective leading the eye up the well used track to what would have been once quite a quaint house in beautiful surroundings. The tones in this image almost get darker the further you go into the image to the horizon with the image being split into thirds vertically.
Clearly the focal point of this shot is the wheel featuring in 2 of the 3 thirds horizontally, I also like how if you look deeper into the shot it seems a lot of thought has gone into the composition with the beautiful building in the background reflecting into the water.
I like the contrast of colours in this shot and the relationship between the trees, maybe a silly comment but it almost seems like the tree on the right is leaning into the one on the left in the composition which I find quite quaint.
The lines in this composition lead the eye to the horizon where the light is given to this image, so despite the fact that the fence sits in the foreground of the shot the real beauty of this composition is the sunrise on the horizon framed by the fence posts.

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