Thursday 21 October 2010

Landscape Photographer - Charles Binns

Being born near the Thames but having a Spanish mother Charlie has had plenty of opportunity to take photos both in the UK and Europe.  Now based in the Chilterns and being married to a Mexican his work is still very much based on Travel, alongside Nature and Landscape Photography.

On his gallery Charles has a number of landscape images with one particular group labelled Autumn Colours which is perfect for the nature theme I have chosen.  Below are some of the images that inspire me...

green and yellow leaves
The colours in this shot are fantastic showing the change from Summer into Autumn with many of the leaves still holding on to their shades of green while the other leaves have begun their transformation through yellow to brown.  The composition of this image and the way Binns has incprporated partial blue sky also helps to set the theme of the shot.
multi coloured leaves
The colours in this shot are representative of the changes in colour the leaves go through to reach their Autumn golds, reds and browns.  Strategically placed I'm sure are these leaves, however having done this the eye seems drawn tothe centre point within the three leaves so that the eye gets almost sight of all three colours at once adding effect to the image.  The detail on the leaves also adds texture while the dried brown leaves in the background help enhance the vibrancy of the three leaves chosen by Binns.

more golden leaves on the ground

leaves and nuts

leaves in the water

autumn bark

trees in Kew Gardens
The height persepctive of this shot draws the eye from the base of the tree up through the yellow to the tip making the tree feel quite imposing in this compostion despite being set to the left of the shot.

1 comment:

Mr Steve said...

I can see how these images have inspired your work and driven you to work in this way in your location photography.
Compare and contrast your work with photographers to see how well you have done, alongside each other on the same blog can be good, and reflect back on how well you think you have done, any areas to improve, etc..
