Wednesday, 16 February 2011

Module 211 - Presenting Photo Images: Hazards

Depend on the method of image processing and presentation there are a number of hazards to be considered.

When using a darkroom it is important that there is sufficient ventilation from the chemicals used to develop photos.  Although dark rooms are used a lot less this should is still something to be taken into consideration.

Given the method I have blog the main area of concern is the electrical equipment being used to produce images.  Main hazards here are faulty electrical equipment and power cuts, as well as surges of electricity that create dangerous working conditions.  The only other hazards in this situation are those that can be easily avoided such as drinking and having liquids near electrical equipment and overloading plug sockets.

1 comment:

Mr Steve said...

Hi Vicky,
Just to let you know that all your work is marked and graded now,
Congratulations you got a Distinction in both of your units.
The certificates will take time to go through the system and will arrive in due course
