Friday 5 November 2010

Fashion Photo Shoot Ideas

Time for a bit of brain storming....conscious of the fact I now need to move away from my Autumn theme and concentrate on my fashion and shoes theme I have been racking my brain for interesting ways to shoot shoes on location.

Here are just a few to start with.....

A line of black shoes with one coloured pair either being worn by my model or not.

My model pedalling a bike but using a slowish shutter speed to blur the motion of the bike while catching a sharp image of the shoe, though I appreciate this may take some time to perfect.

I will definitely be looking to take shots similar to the above 3 images (inspired by David Ruiz) hopefully with the walled background composition I would have shoes hanging along a wall using fishing line to suspend them, the alternative would be to shoot the images at a certain angle and then using photoshop super impose them onto a walled background.

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